Glycogen Storage Disorder (GSD)

We need your help!

There is research being done on OES by Colorado State University (CSU) and Florida State University investigating what what is believed to be Glycogen Storage Disorder (GSD) in some of OES. This disorder is associated with low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). CSU has requested that we ask the members of OESCA for any animals that have had one or more hypoglycemic episodes (low blood sugar) in their OES. The purpose for this request is to help determine if this is an isolated problem in a small group of OES or if it could be a more wide spread disorder. We ask that you report only dogs who have had documented (i.e. blood work performed by their vet) cases of hypoglycemia. Please send in the medical histories of such dog if possible. It is not necessary to send in pedigrees on these dogs and all information shall be kept strictly confidential.

Please contact David C. Twedt, DVM, Diplomat ACVIM, at Colorado State University for more specific information ( or Michelle Redfern, DVM (member OESCA HRC at for general information regarding this disorder and how you may be able to help ongoing research.