Pedigree Database

Link through to OESCA's Pedigree Database HERE


Pedigrees, pictures, litters, breeders, owners, and other comments and notes can be entered in the database. With this data you can make trial-matings, analyze pedigrees, calculate real time (up to) 10 generation inbreeding-coefficients and ancestor loss coefficients, and search for common ancestors. You can print the pedigrees in a PDF format.

Please Note:

This database is compiled from a handful of OESCA members manually entering dog information throughout the years. If a dog is missing from the database, please create an account, click "Add a Dog" and enter the following information about the dog: Dog's Name, Registration Number, Sire & Dam, DOB (Date of birth) and Sex. Once the information is submitted, it will go into a cue that will need to be verified by a pedigree database committee admin before the data gets posted into the database of record.  (PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR ADMINS TO REVIEW. They are volunteers and will review as soon as possible, but there will be a waiting period dependent on how many submissions are in the cue.)

Also note: Any other information is the responsibility of the user, ie., Titles on the animal, photos, etc. (Any photo/images uploaded into the pedigree must be free of any copyright and/or use permission must be granted by the photographer or artist. OESCA cannot verify use, and does not accept any liability for these individual submissions.)

Any questions not answered above, please contact the committee:

Deb Lengyel
Chris Lawrenz
Chris Gaburri
Colleen Grady
Lita Long