Illustrated Guide

The Old English Sheepdog Illustrated Guide.

Nov. 2, 2016 Approved by BOD of the OESCA

Available for downloading and printing: OESCA_Illustrated Breed Standard

OESCA Illustrated Standard Committee

Chairpersons: Joy M Sheffield and Dale Meyer
Committee Members: Sally Carr, Terry Carter, Susan Davis, Elizabeth Fujikawa, Chris Gaburri, Clarence Howard, Doug Johnson, Woody Nelson, Larry Stein
Photograph Contributors: Maree Aitchison, Linda Jordan, Kristin Krumpe, Lita Long, Larry & Angela Stein, Joyce Wetzler
Illustrator: Connie Krohn

Foreword: This booklet has been prepared under the auspices of the Old English Sheepdog Club of America, Inc. as a guide to a practicalunderstanding of the current AKC standard for the Old English Sheepdog. Our intent is that judges, breeders, and enthusiasts of the breed will each find this guide a useful reference. Specifically, the goals of this manual are to provide explanations of the current breed standard's sections using terminology and drawings which are understandable. In addition, we also encourage the reader to go to other expert sources to continue their detailed study of our fascinating breed.

Here are a couple of illustrations from the guide:

OES Illustration showing size, proportion and substance.


OES Head Examination Illustration